Join Us
Thank you for your interest in conducting agricultural research with the NEO-AG group. Potential undergraduate and graduate researchers should contact me (nasielsk at uoguelph.ca) with a resume (C.V.) and a brief description of research interests.
For undergraduate students, there are several independent study options for course credit (AGR*3010 or similar) where I can act as a supervisor. We also hire undergraduate students during the summer term.
For graduate students, see below for my hiring criteria. Browsing the ‘Research’ and ‘Publications’ page will give you a flavor of potential research projects. During your graduate studies you will learn how to conduct rigorous field experiments, analyze data from said experiments, and write reports/give presentations that communicate results clearly.
Hiring Criteria
- No background in agriculture (academic or applied) is required. While experience in agriculture is helpful, we (myself and research technicians) will train you, and you will gain exposure to the agricultural sector and opportunity to network during your studies. If you are a hard worker and willing to learn, you will do fine.
- I do not have a strict requirement to be on campus or maintain office hours. For graduate studies, students can complete all required courses on campus in a single Winter semester. If you live in eastern or northern Ontario, you can stay there during the majority of your graduate studies if you choose. We can meet remotely (phone, internet) to facilitate your studies when you are not on campus.
- Our program focuses on field research in agronomy and crop physiology, with modelling and greenhouse work as complementary approaches. You must enjoy working outside alongside summer students and experienced technicians. You will learn how to conduct rigorous field experiments, analyze data from said experiments, and write reports/give presentations that communicate results clearly. I will happily make an exception if you have a disability that prevents you from outdoor work.
All lab members agree to adhere to our common-sense Code of Conduct: https://neoag.uoguelph.ca/neo-ag-lab-code-of-conduct/