Minor league ball game in Des Moines, IA after a visit to Corteva HQ finishing the Late N Project
Elora Crew featured in U of Guelph Food From Thought ReportJongwon and Kurtis featured in a U of Guelph Food From Thought ReportSpeaking at Eastern Ontario 2023 Crop Diagnostic DayOMAFRA corn specialist Ben Rosser speaking about his leaching experiment at Crop Diagnostic DayMSC student Gavin Brady speaking at Crop Diagnostic day about his late N researchSetting up ammonia volatilization experiment for 2023 Eastern Ontario Crop Diagnostic DayPh.D candidate Jongwon Kang presenting volatilization data from his projectM.Sc student Gaving checking out his corn – Elora 2022Technician Melinda making sure the seed drill is working – New Liskeard 2022
Dr. Dave Hooker and M.Sc student Emma Dielman checking out wheat plots at Ridgetown (June ’21)M.Sc student Marion Studhalter teaching M.Sc student Kurtis Pilkington how to use a torque screwdriver to measure root lodging resistance at Winchester (May ’21)flag test for corn emergence. each flag color represents a different emergence date for a corn plant (May ’21)Variety x row spacing study in oats (May ’21)Agronomy Technician Ian DeShiffart planting with the most interesting seed drill at Winchester! (May ’21)Planting field trials at New Liskeard Agricultural Research Station in May 2020